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Chase Page 16
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Page 16
“Belle, have you told anyone where you were held captive?”
“What, as in Columbia?”
“Yeah,” I respond trying to conceal my concern for what this means if she answers no.
“Naomi knows and my councillor. The only other people I could tell are my parents and I couldn’t face giving them any detail. I just told them I was taken somewhere remote outside of the US I think. Why?” Shit. If she didn’t tell her father then how the fuck did he know?!
“Just wondering that’s all.”
“Don’t lie to me Chase.”
“I’m not Belle, I have to be careful who knows what. I know you’re a civilian and you have a right to tell people what happened but I’m part of a black ops team who are supposed to operate in complete secrecy.” It’s a plausible explanation for my line of questioning and thankfully Belle buys it. I know the last thing I should do is lie to her, but this is her dad who she clearly thinks the world of. I can’t accuse him of somehow being involved unless I’m 100% sure. Fuck, this will crush her. For the first time ever I really hope my gut is wrong.
“Oh yeah, sorry. I forget that. Well Naomi won’t say anything to anyone about it and neither would my councillor.”
“Okay.” Something’s going on here. Call it intuition or whatever you’d like but something is very definitely wrong.
At the next service stop I leave Belle in the car and step out of sight knowing I need to call the guys. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Leo’s number.
“Hey Chase, what’s up mate?”
“Hey Leo, are you making any progress on why Belle was taken?” I decide to cut straight to the point.
“Not really Mate. Why? Has something happened, you sound stressed.” Leo instantly snaps out of his chilled persona and into the focused special forces solider I know he is.
“Have you looked into her father?” I almost hate myself for asking the question, but I need to keep her and the baby safe. If he’s involved in something, I need to know about it.
“Shit, really?” I hear the surprise in Leo’s voice. “I did have a look into him mate but there wasn’t any red flags and he seems to dote on Belle so I didn’t look any deeper.”
“Start looking. Turn over every single stone, something doesn’t add up.”
“Fuck. Okay man. You’re gonna have to come in and elaborate on what’s making you think this.”
“Yeah, I’m driving Belle home now but I’ll come into the office after.” I pause wondering if what I’m about to say is overkill. “I haven’t told her yet, this will destroy her if he really is involved and I need to be sure before I’ll do that, but maybe one of the other guys needs to sit on the house discreetly whilst I’m not there.”
“Do you really think she’s in that much danger?”
“He loves his daughter, that much is clear and I don’t think he’d intentionally put her in harms way. But he’s running scared of something. If I had to guess he’s up to his neck and that’s what’s got Belle taken in the first place in which case it could happen again.”
“Understood mate. I’ll talk to Noah.”
“Thanks Leo,” I say and we both hang up.
Chapter 15
The happy ever after
Telling my parents went much better than I imagined. I know they’ve both worked out that Chase isn’t the father and what that means given how long I was missing for. Thankfully though, neither of them pushed me to talk about it or broke down in front of me. I couldn’t cope with either of those responses. As it’s sunk in my mother seems thrilled at the idea of her first grandchild. I can tell this little boy or girl will be spoiled rotten. My father seems less pleased, but I’m sure he’ll come round to the idea given time. We’ve always had a great relationship and I know he adores me, so ultimately once he’s sure I’m happy he will be too.
Chase dropped me off a couple of hours ago but then had to go into the office briefly. He seemed a little tense so I hope whatever it is isn’t going to result in him being deployed. I know it’s the nature of his job but although things are going really well, I feel like this is still a delicate point in our relationship. There’s still a lot of things we need to work out and we could do with some time together that, for me at least, isn’t consumed by panic over what’s going to happen next.
I head towards my bathroom feeling in need of a shower and start to strip. As I turn the hot water on I hear the bathroom door open.
“There you are, I’ve been calling you,” Chase states, although his attention is less on my face and much more on my naked body.
“Distracted much?” I joke.
“Huh?” He absentmindedly grunts.
“Earth to Chase. Is there something you want?”
“You could say that,” he mutters. “Honestly I just wanted to let you know I was back, but now I’m thinking maybe I could do with a shower too.” I laugh at his response.
“Feel free to join me,” I state as I step in the shower.
Chase strips his clothes in record time, revealing his already hard cock and steps into the shower with me.
“Hey baby,” he says in a low voice as he pulls me into him and begins placing kisses all over me.
“Hey you,” I reply, feeling increasingly turned on. I reach for the soap and after squirting a dollop in my hand begin to massage it into Chases body. I start around his shoulders and slowly tease my way downwards until I reach his manhood jutting out and standing proud between us. Starting at the base, I work the lather up his cock, giving special attention to the tip.
“Christ Arabella, you could bring a man to his knees,” Chase groans in a deep voice. “I think maybe I should soap you up for a bit.”
“Are you sure, I’m not quite convinced you’re clean,” I tease as I wrap my hand tightly around his cock and move up and down. Chase grunts in response and closes his eyes.
“Yeah I’m sure Arabella. With you my stamina seems to have fucking disappeared and this is not helping.” He says as he reluctantly takes my hand off of his cock and grabs the soap bottle ready to do the same to me.
He rubs the liquid between his hands, lathering it up before placing his hands on my hips and running over every inch of skin. As he moves over my breasts he squeezes and pinches my nipples causing me to pant and moan. He eventually moves down south making sure to pause on my clit and provide some much needed stimulation.
“Turn around,” he states in a low voice and places his hands on my hips to help guide me. I know this is nothing like Columbia, but I freeze and feel panic rising. Can I let him have sex with me from behind? He senses my panic and immediately stops, pulling me tightly into him and wrapping his arms around me so as to comfort me.
“Baby are you okay,” he asks hurriedly. “Was it... from behind” he asks, and I know what he’s getting at. I nod my head.
“Shit, sorry baby. Let’s get you out of here” he states and goes to turn off the water but I place my hand over his stopping him.
“No. I want to. I trust you, I’m just nervous.” I can’t let that event control how I live my life.
“Arabella, no sweetheart. If you’re not ready that’s fine. We don’t ever have to do it that way if you don’t want.” He softly states.
“I am ready, I just wasn’t expecting it that’s all.” I look him in the eyes and see his love for me reflecting back. “Please Chase. I promise I’ll stop you if it’s too much.” He looks at me uncertainty etched across his face. I take his cock in my hand and stroke him up and down encouraging him. He groans and closes his eyes briefly.
“Alright, but just say the word and I’ll stop straight away.” I smile at him, anticipation creeping in and nod.
“How do you want to do this baby, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“Just slowly, gently.” I respond a little sheepishly. He pauses looking at me as if having an internal argument with himself. Eventually
he places his hands on my hips and with lightest of touches very slowly spins me to face the tiles.
“Place your hands on the wall,” he commands, caution evident in his tone. I do as he says and he checks I’m still okay.
He slides his hands around my front and gently plays with my nipples. I moan in pleasure and push back so I can feel his body pressed against me. His cock rubs back and forth gently between my legs, occasionally nudging at my entrance but he doesn’t go any further. I can tell he’s unsure.
“I’m ready Chase.”
“Yes,” I plead, a hint of desperation in my tone. I feel him reach between me, taking his cock in his hands and lining himself up. He eases inside delicately and I hear him hiss. Once in he barely moves and I find myself grinding against him to seek the relief I need.
“I’m good Chase, I promise.” That seems to give him the reassurance he needs as he begins to move in and out.
He keeps his body pressed to mine running his hands over my breasts and lightly nibbling up my neck. The pace he sets is sweet torture. Deliciously slow but at the same time I need more. I start to move back against him meeting him thrust for thrust and moaning.
“Fuck Belle,” he groans.
I can feel the pleasure building in me ready to spike.
“You gonna come for me baby?”
“Faster chase,” I pant feeling so close to the edge but unable to go over. He takes my hips, tilting me upwards slightly so his cock hits the right spot inside and increases the pace. Several more thrusts and I can feel myself coming undone.
“That’s it baby. Come on my cock.” Chase groans and thrusts harder into me.
“Yes Chase!” I scream as I push hard against him needing him deep inside me. My orgasm rips through me, my body shaking from the force of it.
“Oh fuck Belle.” I feel his cock expand and pulse inside me as Chase follows me over the edge.
We grunt and groan as intense waves of pleasure wash over us eventually calming down and leaving us both spent and breathless.
“You good baby,” he asks softly against my ear.
“More than good,” I answer truthfully. He’s silent for a minute but keeps me pulled into him.
“I love you Belle.” It might not be the first time he’s said those words, but it still causes my heart to flutter in my chest.
“I love you too Chase.” He gently pulls out and spins me round, before placing a kiss on my lips.
“I suppose we should finish up in here and get out,” he says lazily.
“Suppose so.”
Once we’re both clean Chase turns off the shower and we step out. He hands me a towel and wraps himself in a second one.
“So I was thinking, there’s a couple of other things we still need to talk about,” Chase starts after we’ve dressed and moved to the lounge. I look at him nervously not sure where this is going.
“Okay,” I respond with hesitation.
“Well I assume you’re not going to look for a job anymore.”
“I have to Chase, babies are expensive. I know I won’t be able to get the career starting role I’d wanted being pregnant and all, but I figure I’ll be able to get something part time like waitressing.”
“Belle, you’re not waitressing. Look I don’t want you to get a job whilst you’re pregnant and afterwards you’ll need time with the baby. You can’t be running around working stupid hours and looking after a little one.”
“I have some savings Chase but this house won’t pay its bills by itself and my savings will run out eventually.”
“That’s the other thing I wanted to talk about.” He looks almost nervous.
“What?” I don’t follow where he’s going with this.
“Well I’ve hardly spent any time at mine since we’ve met, and ultimately if we’re going to be a proper family we need to be living together.” I guess it shouldn’t surprise me, it’s a completely logical thing to say but somehow it does shock me.
“So you want to move in, permanently.”
“Well I was thinking, we could buy a place together. Mine isn’t is a family home and this place is nice but babies have a lot of stuff, we’ll probably need more space.” I stand in shock not really sure what to say. “Arabella, what do you think? We could get one of those houses in the suburbs with the white picket fence and all the trimmings. I know it’s fast, but it feels right.”
“Chase, I agree we should live together, it is fast but I agree it does make sense and we pretty much are anyway. But buying another place, as idyllic as it sounds maybe its too much. For a start I don’t have that kind of money, I know you say you don’t want me to work, but I’ll have too-”
“Belle, don’t worry about the money, I have plenty.”
I stand open mouthed staring at him.
“Chase, you are not paying for me. I’m not living off of someone else.”
“Belle, I’ve never known what to do with my money and now I have you and the little one I know that’s where I want to spend it.”
“No. Absolutely not. I can deal with 50/50 but you’re not buying us a house.” He narrows his eyes, clearly unhappy at my Stance.
“I’m easily paying 50/50 Belle but I don’t get why you won’t let me contribute more.”
“I’m not a charity case, you’re not paying for me.”
“Belle, I don’t think you are a charity case. You’re the mother of my child and you need to be resting not trying to hold down a job. And what happens when I get called out and you have to work and look after the little one?” Annoyingly he has a point.
“Fine I won’t work until after the baby is a little older. But I’m still paying at least 50% of things with my savings.”
“Hmm. We’ll see.”
Why do I feel like I’ve won this battle but not the war?
1 month later
“What are you hoping for?” I ask. It’s the day of my 16 week scan and things have been great. Me and Chase have spent every second possible together. He’s been away a couple of times for work but I’m getting used to that. We’re essentially living together at this point but surprisingly he’s not moved his stuff in. Historically I’d have said I was concerned this wasn’t really what Chase wanted, but I know with absolute clarity that he is committed to me and the baby now. We’ve been waiting for this scan to find out the gender and then we can start getting baby furniture and clothes. My mother and Naomi and unbelievably excited at the prospect of baby shopping and I think Chase is secretly happy he won’t get dragged around the shops with me.
“Healthy,” he replies.
“Obviously, but that wasn’t what I meant and you know it.”
“Belle, it really doesn’t matter to me. Which do you want?” I look at Chase nervously. Deep down I know I have a preference and I know why. But I feel like admitting that would make me a bad mother.
“It’s alright baby. I get it.” He can still read me like a book. We get called into the doctors office shortly after and I’m asked to get straight up onto the bed.
“Well,” Dr. Andrews starts, “everything is healthy, the baby’s the perfect size for this many weeks and the heartbeat’s strong.” She rotates the screen of the ultrasound machine so we can look at our little one. I’m overwhelmed seeing his or her little head, tummy and what looks like an arm wriggling around. I can feel my cheeks moistening as happy tears roll down my face. I glance at Chase and I’m sure his eyes look watery. He doesn’t say anything just squeezes my hand. Suddenly I don’t care what the gender is.
“I take it you want to find out the sex,” the doctor asks.
“Yes,” I answer keenly looking at Chase.
“Congratulations, you’re having a little boy.” Chase squeezes my hand concerned I think. I smile back though, knowing that it doesn’t matter. I already love our little boy more than I thought possible. Dr. Andrews smiles at us both before asking if we’d like a picture. Chases manages
to cough out a please while I nod.
We finish up at the doctors and head back towards Chase’s truck. As the baby gets bigger my protectiveness over him increases and I keep thinking back to why I was taken and will it happen again. I haven’t been wanting to ask Chase as I know he’ll tell me if my safety’s ever in question, but otherwise he can’t always tell me everything. That said, this is niggling away at me now and I need to ask him what they found when they looked into it.
“Chase,” I ask hesitantly, once we’re back in his truck.
“What’s up baby?”
“You and the guys were looking into why I was taken weren’t you?”
“Yes.” He replies, clearly not wanting to offer up any information.
“Chase, you know something don’t you?” He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. Why do I feel like this won’t be good.
“Belle, you trust me don’t you?”
“I do, but Chase I’m not just asking for me. I need to know our son is safe and I can’t be sure of that if you think I was targeted, that I might get taken again.”
“Baby, I can’t tell you everything right now. I will I promise but I can’t just yet. What I will say Belle is yes, you were targeted, but you saw me kill the man who went after you and held you captive. We know that no one else from the cartels or any gangs knew he had you or why. What I’m saying is you’re completely safe now Belle. It won’t happen again.”
“So you know why I was targeted then?”
“Arabella, baby I can’t tell you.” he looks at me desperately knowing I’m not happy with that answer. “I’m sorry Belle, as soon as we’ve wrapped everything up I will tell you all of it, I promise.”
“I can’t say I’m thrilled you’re keeping secrets from me. But I guess so long as we’re safe it doesn’t matter right now,” I say as I place my hand over my growing belly gently stroking my bump.
“Honestly baby I’m not thrilled about it either. I don’t ever want to keep secrets from you and even this one is only temporary. You are safe though Arabella, I’ll always protect you and our little one and I’d never withhold something from you that could compromise that.”