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Page 15
I walk back to Chases truck and he’s stood by my door waiting for me. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
“How’d it go?”
“Okay actually,” I reply, the surprise evident in my voice. “She wants to see me twice a week.”
“That’s good Belle, when’s the next one, I’ll take you again.”
“Won’t you need to be back at work?”
“Noah’s given me some time off, and in any case unless something crops up I don’t need to go in. If it does though, I’ll get one of the lads to take you.”
“Honestly Chase, I actually think I’ll be fine. It really wasn’t that bad.”
“I’m glad Arabella, but I’m still taking you.” I sense he’s not to be argued with so I give up trying. We continue talking for a little bit before getting back into Chase’s truck.
He doesn’t start it up though, he just sits for a minute.
“Arabella, do you want to go somewhere and chat about the baby? You said earlier you were upset we hadn’t spoken about it since your scan and I don’t want you upset. If you want to talk about it then I do too.” My heart swells at the idea of talking about him or her, it gives me hope that we could be a happy family, me Chase and this little one.
“That would be nice,” I say smiling. Chase looks at me and smiles back before starting the truck and backing out of the parking lot.
He drives us down to the seafront before leading us into a little coffee shop. Its quaint and quiet given most people are at work or school. Chase heads up to the counter while I grab a table surrounded by comfy sofas.
“Here, I got you a hot chocolate given I’m fairly sure you’re meant to limit caffeine intake.” I’m surprised Chase realises that and at the same time pleased he does.
“How did you know that,” I ask. He looks at me sheepishly and shrugs his shoulders.
“Might have googled a few things.”
“Yeah. Like I said Belle, I haven’t not brought it up because I don’t want too. I just didn’t want to push you.”
“Well, I guess I understand that. But chase, please don’t walk on egg shells around me again. I don’t think it helps either of us.”
“You could say that,” he smirks. “Mind you, the makeup sex worked well for me.” I blush and shake my head.
Chapter 14
Cause for alarm
She looks adorable, sat across from me, pink creeping onto her face as she remembers what happened against her kitchen wall. Christ, I can feel my cock moving just at the memory of it. If we weren’t in a public place I’d be tempted to go for a repeat performance. Don’t get me wrong, I was hesitant. I’m not trying to act like I’m walking on egg shells around her but she’s been through so much hurt already and I just wanted to shield her from anymore. I guess protecting her by avoiding anything that might upset her makes it all worse though.
“So, where do you want to start?” I ask, “I guess there’s quite a lot of things to think about with a little one.”
“Yeah I guess there is. Somehow I’m not sure the 7 months we have left is long enough.”
“Probably not. I guess we ought to begin with telling people.”
“Is there many people to tell? I mean, your friends know. Naomi knows, that only really leaves my parents, and,” she pauses mid sentence like she’s unsure she should say anything else.
“And?” I prompt.
“Well, we’ve never really spoken about your family. I don’t know if there’s anyone you’re close to that you’d tell. If you even want to tell them that is, given biologically...” she trails off finishing barley above a whisper and this time I know exactly why.
“Belle, lets get one thing straight, you want me in both your lives right?”
“Of course I do.”
“So I’m that baby’s dad. Blood doesn’t come into it Belle. I’ll be getting up with you in the middle of the night when he or she cries. I’ll be there to drop him or her off on the first day of school. I’ll be there to have that awkward conversation about what sex and puberty is when they start asking,” I pause for a second thinking that last one through “unless it’s a girl, you can have that conversation if it’s a girl.” I add and her nervousness disappears as she laughs and I screw my face up like an immature child. “I’ll be there worrying with you when they’ve missed their curfew and come home drunk, or when we pack them up to go to college-”
“Stop,” she laughs “Can we just focus on the stress of a baby, I don’t need to think about a teenager as well.” I smile at her having made my point.
“Yeah Belle, we can just think about the baby, we’ll worry about the rest as it happens.”
I sit back in the chair knowing I need to tell her about my family.
“I don’t really have any contact with my family Belle. I told you my father was a waste of space, my mother’s dead and I have 2 brothers but I don’t know where they are. Things weren’t great when I was a kid so as soon as I could I enlisted and left. I never looked back. I’m guessing both my brothers left as soon as they could as well, but we weren’t close so we’ve never kept in contact.”
“I’m sorry Chase, you deserve so much more than that,” she says genuine compassion in her eyes.
“The military became my family. I’d do anything for anyone of those lads and I know they’d do the same for me too.”
“I know, I knew it the second I met you all.”
“So that really only leaves your parents then.”
“I guess it does,” she states, nervousness returning to her voice.
“I don’t know how to tell them Chase. I’ve kept the details of what really happened from them. I’m scared my mother will have a nervous breakdown or something.”
“Well, for a start I think we should go down there, stay the night again, then we can tell them in person.” Belle doesn’t reply but nods her head. “What have you said to them about us Belle?” Her cheeks pink as a blush creeps in.
“Well, when we went down last time, I wasn’t really sure what it was or what to say. I don’t think we’d talked about it or used labels.” She stops and I raise my eyebrows at her encouraging her to continue. “Well I couldn’t say we were just sleeping together or friends with benefits so I said you were my boyfriend.” I don’t know why she’s so embarrassed about calling us that.
“Arabella, I was never just sleeping with you, there was always more. Boyfriend, girlfriend is exactly what we are.”
“Okay, good.” A smile creeps onto her face.
“Did you think we were just friends with benefits?” I ask curious.
“Chase, look at you. You’re incredibly attractive and well, I kinda figured you’re not normally the stay around type. In any case, no ones that good at sex without a lot of practice.” I swallow nervously knowing that historically she’d have been right.
“Before you Belle, I didn’t want long term or commitment but everything changed when I met you. Honestly it took me by surprise, though I think the lads could see it before I did. I realise now I was already in love with you before we left the Amazon. Okay, I’ll admit I’ve not exactly been a monk previously, there’s er, been quite a lot, but none of it meant anything. You’re it for me now.” She seems to like my response.
“Anyway, If your parents know you’re not alone then it’ll probably make the whole thing easier to digest. Ultimately Belle, if you’re happy then they’ll be happy for you.”
“I guess you’re right. When do you think we should tell them?”
“Sooner the better I’d say. I know you’re meant to wait, but you’re also not supposed to be stressed and I can see this is troubling you.”
“Okay, I’ll call them and arrange something for the weekend.”
It’s now Saturday afternoon and I’m pull
ing my truck into Belle’s parents drive as her mother steps out of their front door and onto the porch. She clearly dotes on her daughter and it makes me happy to know Belle has that. Belle heads on up hugging her mother whilst I grab our bag and follow a short distance behind.
“Nice to see you again Mrs Rose,” I say by way of greeting to Belle’s mum.
“Chase, I’ve told you before, call me Hailey. Love to see you too though dear,” she responds. “Come on in.”
We follow Hailey inside and I can sense the nervousness coming off of Belle. Her shoulders are hunched, she’s wrapped her arms around herself protectively and is toying nervously with her lip. I put my hand on the small of her back to comfort her and whisper in her ear.
“You’re going to chew through your lip if you keep doing that. It’s alright Belle, it’ll all be okay.”
As we head into the kitchen Belle’s dad wanders in and greets us both. He seems skittish and off to me but Belle doesn’t seem to notice.
“Coffee?” Hailey asks. I can see Belle lock up and panic in my peripheral vision, knowing she can’t have caffeine.
“Actually we had a coffee not long back when we stopped for fuel, so I’ll just have water if that’s okay.” It’s a complete lie. We didn’t have coffee and I could really do with one after the drive.
“Yes, water for me too,” Belle adds, giving me a weak smile in thanks. Once the drinks are sorted we all head into the lounge and I give Belle a discreet but reassuring nod of encouragement.
“So umm, we’ve actually got something to tell you both,” Belle starts nervously. I take her hand squeezing it to give her some comfort.
“Okay dear,” her mum waits patiently for Belle to continue while her father doesn’t say anything.
“I’m pregnant.”
“Oh. Well congratulations darling.” Her mum pauses, clearly torn between being thrilled for her daughter or worried. “How far along darling?” she asks keeping her tone neutral, and it’s easy for me to see what she’s getting at. Belle swallows nervously.
“About 8 weeks.”
“Okay.” Full credit to Hailey, she keeps it together for Belle’s sake I think. “Are you happy about becoming a mom sweetheart?” Belle relaxes a little, glad to move onto safer territory I think.
“Yeah, I am actually. When we heard the heartbeat, I don’t know, it was like I fell head over heels in love with him or her. I want to meet the baby already.” Belle places our joined hands over her stomach. It’s such a sweet gesture and makes me want to pull her into me and kiss every inch of her but given we have company I settle for placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“That’s motherhood for you darling. If you’re happy then I’m thrilled for you both, my first grandchild.” There’s a genuine smile on Hailey’s face as she stands and hugs Belle. Belle’s dad on the other hand keeps his face impassive. He stands and congratulates Belle but I’m not convinced he means it.
Hailey excuses herself and heads to the kitchen, something about needing more cream in her coffee. Given the news we’ve just told her I stand and follow wanting to make sure she’s alright. I pull the door to the kitchen shut making sure Belle can’t hear anything.
“Are you okay Hailey?”
“It’s not yours is it, the baby I mean?” Hailey softly asks.
“He or she is mine in all the ways that count,” I reply honestly.
“But biologically?”
“No. But honestly I don’t see why that comes into it.”
“Chase, you’re a wonderful young man and I couldn’t wish for my daughter to have anyone better but I don’t understand why you would raise some else’s child. And Chase, I think you and I both know what’s happened if Arabella is two months pregnant given when she went missing.” Hailey chokes the last part out as tears begin to roll freely down her cheeks.
“Yes we do know what’s happened. I’m taking Belle to counselling for that and will continue to give her all the support she needs. I’m not saying it’s an easy road, but she’s coping with it.” I pause checking Hailey’s okay.
“As for why, I love your daughter. I love her more than I thought it was possible to love someone and honestly, when I heard the heartbeat of that little one, I just knew. Knew that I was going to love him or her just as much. Knew that I’ll keep them both safe and happy until the very last breath I take.” Hailey looks up at me swiping the tears off of her cheeks but still manages a smile.
“Thank you. For saving her in more ways than you realise.”
“She’s everything to me. I’m not saying I won’t fuck up every now and again, I haven’t done this relationship thing before and I am a man after all, but I’ll always make it right. I’ll always be there for her and my son or daughter.” I’m not sure why I decided to confess all that. I guess I felt it was what Hailey needed to hear and as of late heart to hearts seem to be my thing.
The rest of the afternoon and evening goes by quickly. Conversation is light and pleasant and Belle finally seems to relax. After getting over the initial shock, Hailey is starting to get excited about the thought of her first grandchild and there’s plenty of baby talk over dinner. Belle eventually falls asleep on me whilst we’re sat on her parents couch later in the evening. She’s been a wreck with nerves the last few days ever since she arranged this visit and I think it’s all caught up with her now. I say our goodnights and carry her to our room, or rather her old room. She doesn’t even stir so I put her straight in bed and after a quick bathroom visit I join her, quickly drifting off to sleep.
It’s the following morning now and I’m sat at the breakfast bar drinking coffee while Belle is still getting ready, when her father pops his head around the corner.
“Chase, could I trouble you for a word please,” Belle’s father asks me.
“Of course sir,” I answer wondering what this is going to be about. Then again I am dating his daughter and I already know that if that little baby Belle is carrying is a girl, I too will be interrogating every guy she brings home. That’s if I even allow my daughter to date and that’s debatable at the moment. I follow him into his office and shut the door behind me.
“Please take a seat, and no need to call me sir, David is just fine Chase.” I nod my head in understanding and sit down.
“I, wanted to talk about what happened to Belle in Columbia,” he starts. I’m instantly on edge. There’s not a great deal I’m allowed to say and any details of what happened to Belle need to come from her. I also don’t remember saying where Belle had been held captive but I suppose she might have told them that.
“I recognise you from the hospital that first night Arabella was brought back to us. I could tell from the way you were dressed and from the way you’re built that you’re military. That’s how you know Belle isn’t it? You got her out?” Why do I feel so uncomfortable with this conversation? He’s just asking the same questions a concerned father would isn’t he?
“Yes sir, I did get her out.” I’m not going to volunteer any information but there’s no harm in confirming what he already knows.
“What happened?”
“What do you mean what happened?” Why would he ask that? Wouldn’t he just be grateful his daughters alive and free? He sighs.
“Look Chase, clearly my daughters been severely mistreated. I’d like to know what happened to those responsible.” Okay, that makes sense I guess.
“I’m not really at liberty to say sir. I understand this is a difficult situation but you’d need clearance for me to divulge anything.”
“Chase, are they dead? Did you kill those fucking bastards or not?” The anger in his tone is justified given what’s happened, but the bit that doesn’t make sense is the desperation. It’s like he doesn’t just want them dead, he needs them dead.
“Sir, why have you not asked Belle this if you really want to know? It’s her story and not one for me to tell.”
“Because I know as well as you do that she won’t be prepar
ed to talk about it, and I don’t think I need to go stirring up anymore bad memories for my little girl.”
“I respect that. I’m still not at liberty to say, though I’m surprised you can’t make assumptions.”
“I need to know Chase.” He’s definitely desperate.
“She’s safe now, is that not what matters?”
“You don’t understand,” he says and I see utter panic flash across his face for the briefest of moments. I’m about to interrogate him and get him to explain that loaded statement but he quickly gathers himself and continues, “When you’re a parent Chase you’ll understand the sheer fear that goes through you every day for the safety of your child. I need to know she has justice, I need to know there’s no remote possibility of her being taken again.” That’s reasonable I guess. I pause for a moment unsure of how much to give away. Is something off or is he just a devastated father terrified of this happening again?
“She has justice. The same people won’t take her again and in any case she’s with me now, I don’t plan on letting anything bad happen to her.” That should give him the reassurance he needs without revealing anything.
“Okay,” he replies. He’s got his hand to his forehead, clearly stressed and the dark bags underneath his eyes tell me his not been sleeping much either. “Well, thank you for saving my little girl Chase.” With that he gets up and heads to the office door, clearly indicating this chat is over. I’m somewhat surprised he hasn’t wanted confirmation that I plan to take care of them both, or why I plan to raise a baby that in respect of blood isn’t mine. That’s the sort of thing I’d want to know if the situation was reversed.
After spending the rest of the morning with Belle’s parents we say our goodbyes and get going back home. My earlier conversation with David, her father, keeps replaying in my mind though. Something about it just doesn’t sit right with me.