Chase Page 9
“It was nothing.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
“It was the day after you spent that first night at mine. I went to get some grocery’s and sort of... freaked out,” she replies timidly.
“Freaked out how?” I ask through gritted teeth.
“Had a panic attack. There was a man behind me and I was paranoid he was following me,” she offers by way of explanation but all it does is wind me up some more.
“So lets get this right. You had my number, and the number of all of the lads, you thought someone was following you and you didn’t call any of us?! Then you had a panic attack outside, a stranger had to help you and you still didn’t fucking call any of us? You didn’t even fucking let me know.”
“What do you want me to say, you’d only been at mine 1 night. We didn’t really know each other that well.”
“No, I only carried you several hundred miles across the fucking Amazon Belle. But sure, didn’t know you at all or care about your safety.” Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have said that but I’ve lost the battle to reign in my temper right now.
“Look I’m sorry okay. You guys have already done enough for me, I didn’t want to ask for more.”
“If you need help, you fucking call me. You know I care about you. If you can’t call me for whatever reason then at least call one of the others. They’d all gladly drop what they’re doing to help you if you needed it. And Belle, don’t ever fucking hide this shit from me again.”
We reach my truck and I storm round to the drivers door and get in. I start the truck and once I’m sure Belle has her seatbelt on I start to drive us back to hers. We drive in a tense silence whilst I try unsuccessfully to get a grip on my temper. Why wouldn’t she at least fucking tell me! She doesn’t trust me if she’s keeping this bullshit from me and that hurts. A stranger. She took a strangers help over mine.
We reach her place and go inside in relative silence.
“I don’t know why you’re getting so mad. I didn’t know what this would become back then and anyway it’s not like you’re a fucking saint!” She almost shouts at me.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“Leo’s still looking into why I was taken? You kept that quiet. I take it that means it wasn’t just random though doesn’t it?! Don’t you think I have a right to know?” Ah shit. I knew this was coming. She needs to realise I only wanted to stop her from being scared though.
“That’s different.”
“How?!” She screams. “I don’t tell you things, you don’t tell me things, what’s the fucking difference.”
“Belle, you’re not in imminent danger. If you were I’d have told you. I just wanted to protect you from feeling scared. You need to be able to recover and go back to normality.”
“So why is Leo still looking into it?” She asks a little calmer now but I can hear fear laced in her voice.
“Because it doesn’t add up that they transported you from America and kept you there for that many weeks. Normally you’d have been killed or sold to the sex slave trade. But Belle, that doesn’t mean there’s definitely more to this, we just need to check that’s all.” She doesn’t reply, but she looks upset. I should comfort her but I’m still pissed off myself.
We spend the rest of the day and evening in a largely awkward silence, neither of us calm enough to behave like rational adults apparently. By the time we go to bed I just want her to talk to me again though.
“Belle, I’m sorry okay. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I was trying to shield you from any more fear. You’ve already been through enough.” We’re lying in bed now and I really hope she’s listening to me. She’s silent for a while before sighing.
“I know. I just, I need to be able to trust you and I can’t do that if you keep things from me.”
“Okay, noted. I won’t keep you in the dark again. But Belle, you have to promise the same. If you need help, you tell me.”
I pull her in close to me. Things still seem a little tense but she relaxes into my arms at least. Christ, now I realise why I’ve avoided relationships thus far.
“Are we good?,” I ask over morning coffee sat at Belle’s breakfast bar.
“Yeah.” She smiles at me and leans in for a kiss. I start to deepen it but her phone rings from her bedroom and she pulls away with an apologetic look before wandering off to answer it. I’m just glad yesterday’s argument is over. I’m not used to dealing with that shit and it isn’t fun but I guess it won’t be the last either.
Belle wanders back in a few minutes later and looks at me nervously.
“What’s up?”
“Well, my mother is freaking out that I didn’t respond to her text yesterday. I think she panicked I’d gone missing again so I said I’d visit her tonight.”
“Okay...” I don’t follow why she’s nervous at that.
“My parents live a couple of hours drive away so I’ll go for dinner, stay the night and then come back tomorrow.” I wait for her to continue knowing there’s more she wants to say. “If you wanted, you could come with me,” she toys with her hands not looking at me. Before I’ve got a chance to open my mouth she starts babbling. “You don’t have to though, and if you did it doesn’t have to mean anything-”
“Whoa, Belle, calm down. If you want me to come with you I’m happy to. And it can mean whatever you want it to, I don’t mind what you tell your parents.”
We’ve been at Belles parents for a few hours now. Her mum was ecstatic when we arrived, I guess she’s still struggling with Belles disappearance. If I’m being honest I started to get a little nervous on the drive down about meeting her folks but her mum has been extremely welcoming. Her dads been a little more reserved but then I guess this is his daughter. I don’t know what Belle said about me and whatever this is between us but her mum is expecting us to share Belle’s old room, and I’m not complaining. I’ve never been one for labels but I think I’m secretly hoping Belle said I was her boyfriend.
Her mum went all out on dinner for us, which in fairness was pretty good. We’ve been chatting ever since and I have to admit I’ve enjoyed it. I’m definitely ready for bed now though and I think Belle is as well.
We say our goodnights and head towards Belle’s old room. Ever since the other night Belle hasn’t bothered going to the bathroom to change. I’m thrilled she’s starting to feel comfortable with me and don’t get me wrong I really enjoy the view, but tonight’s especially torturous feeling this turned on and not being able to do anything about it. Belle catches me watching her and a lazy smile spreads across her face.
“Enjoying the show,” she asks, eyes hooded with desire.
“You know I am.” She starts to walk towards me completely naked and I know where she wants this to go. I put my hands on her bare arse cheeks and pull her into me, pressing her tits against my chest and pushing my cock up against her so I know she can feel how hard he is through my jeans.
“I know that look in your eyes Belle and trust me I’d love a repeat of the other night, but you’re not exactly quiet and apparently neither am I when it comes to you.” She doesn’t say anything but her face changes to a pout. It’s fucking adorable and makes me want to kiss every inch of her scrunched up face. “No, not at your parents.” I say firmly, my cock furious at my decision.
She lets go of me and gets into bed while I strip and leave my clothes piled neatly on a chair in the room. I turn back and she’s sat upright, duvet pulled over herself, staring at my very angry and determined manhood.
“Are you sure,” she asks, hope and desire laced in her voice.
“Yes,” I laugh. “Stop encouraging him, trust me this is difficult enough!” I try to give her a stern look but she can see I’m still laughing underneath.
We spend the morning and lunch with Belles parents before saying our goodbyes and heading towards my truck. It’ll be early evening by the time we get ba
ck so I’m keen to get on the road, but I pause for a moment wanting to ask Belle something.
“Do you want to go back to mine for a change. We don’t have to, I just don’t want you to think I’m keeping you out of parts of my life.” I’ve never taken a woman back to my place before. I guess I’ve not wanted too, they might come away with expectations of something being more than it is. With Belle though, I want this to be something more. The idea of loosing her is starting to scare me.
“So long as you’ve washed your sheets after your last... escapade shall we say.” I mean, it’s a fair comment given how I was before I met Belle, but since I’ve met her? No way would I fuck other women. Does she think I would? Does that mean she might be seeing other guys? That last thoughts burns deep.
“Belle, I know we haven’t really talked about what this is, but seriously, I haven’t slept with another woman since I’ve met you and I’m not going to. You’re the only one I want now.” I pause wanting her to reply with the same sentiment. When she doesn’t I start to panic. I need to know.
“Have you been with another man since you’ve known me?”
“What? No. I’m not exactly a one night stand person anymore so you don’t have to worry.”
“What do you mean anymore?” For a split second I see panic flash across her face.
“Just that I don’t want to jump in bed with a guy I don’t know.” She responds somewhat hurriedly.
“Okay, so you’re not going to start getting involved with someone whilst you’re seeing me?”
“Don’t panic Chase. I’m not going to see or sleep with anyone else. You’re it.” I can’t help but smile.
“Good. Me neither.”
“Let’s go to yours then. I’ll need to pick up a few things at mine first though.”
“Sure.” I feel excited at the thought of bringing her back to mine.
A few hours later and after a quick stop at Belle’s place we pull up into my drive.
“Ready?” I ask, probably more to myself than Belle. For some reason this feels like a pivotal moment. Like confirmation that she’s it for me.
“Yep,” she replies cheerfully. I hop out and grab her bag, before helping her out of the truck. We walk up to my front door hand in hand and I unlock it before disabling the alarm. It reminds me that I really need to get her some more security at her place.
“What do you think,” I ask as I lead her deeper inside. I’m not even sure why I’m asking, sure this place is home but I’ve never cared for it that much. I haven’t bothered to make it homely, it’s just been a roof over my head. For some reason, every opinion Belle has seems to matter to me though.
“It’s nice. Needs a woman’s touch to make it more home sweet home and less bachelor pad though.”
“Yeah I know. I’ve hardly been here since I bought it mind, what with work and other stuff so I never bothered.” I decide it’s wise not to elaborate that other stuff means before I met Belle I spent most of my free time fucking some woman at her place.
I give her a quick tour putting her stuff in my room and then set about making us dinner.
“You can cook?” She asks as I start pulling ingredients out of the fridge.
“Well, that’s debatable. It’ll probably be edible but I’m not sure about much else.” She laughs. “We’ll order takeout if it’s that bad,” I add now laughing too.
“Let me help,” she says as she grabs an onion from my hand and starts chopping.
We brush up against each other a few times as we work in my kitchen and I can’t help but get turned on by it. I think my balls are still blue from sleeping naked with Belle at her parents but not getting any relief.
A few hours later and we’re snuggled up on my couch. Dinner tasted good, which I suspect had more to do with Belle than me. She’s got her head resting on my chest and it feels great. I have this warm feeling inside and find myself wishing that we could stay like this for a lifetime. She catches me staring at her rather than the film we put on.
“You okay?” she asks.
“Yep. Just thinking.”
“What about?”
“This. It’s nice isn’t it?” She looks up at me and smiles.
“Yeah, really nice.” She shifts slightly and leans in to kiss me. As her lips make contact with mine desire shoots through me. I pull back a little looking into her eyes and know she feels the same.
“Do you want to go the bedroom?” I ask, my voice low and my cock praying for a yes. She nods her head and I move quickly picking her up from the sofa and carrying her straight to my bed.
We pull off our clothes like sex starved teenagers desperate for a release.
“How far do you want to go Belle?” She toys her lip not answering. “There’s no pressure baby but if you want I’ll get a condom.” I gesture towards the bathroom. She nods and I quickly grab one returning to stand by the bed. She looks fucking stunning lying there naked, so much so that I want to watch for a bit.
“Play with yourself Belle,” I encourage as I take my cock in my hand and start to stroke him slowly up and down. She looks shocked for a moment before letting her hand slip down her body and in between her legs. As she starts to gently caress herself she closes her eyes in pleasure and a moan slips out. It’s so erotic to watch. More precum leaks out my tip and before long I know I need to stop or I won’t make it to the next part. I move onto the bed straddling over the top of her but when she opens her eyes she panics and freezes.
“Arabella, what’s wrong?” When she doesn’t answer I know I need to press some more. “Baby, you look like you’ve seen a ghost which isn’t exactly ideal when we’re about to have sex. What’s triggered this, have I done something? Is there something in your past you need to tell me about?”
I don’t know why I mentioned her past, I guess I’m starting to wonder if one of her exes has been a little rough or something. This isn’t the first time she’s looked scared at the idea of intimacy with me. When I mention it though, I see the panic that fills her eyes. She’d have told me by now if it was something really bad though wouldn’t she?
“Sorry, I’m just... nervous. That’s all.” Nervous? Really? I don’t get it.
“Why would you be nervous? You’ve had sex before I assume?”
“Yeah, I just don’t want to be bad.” My gut is telling me there’s more to this. She isn’t going to admit it which I’m not happy about but for now I just need to know if she’s okay with going the whole way. I hope she isn’t just putting herself out because she thinks it’s what I want. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been dying to have sex with her but I want her to want it with me too.
“Baby, why would you be bad? Nothing with you is bad, in fact it feels better with you than I’ve ever had,” I pause seeing if she’ll respond. “Belle, do you actually want to do this? Because if you don’t we’ll wait. I don’t ever want you to do something you’re not ready for because of me.”
For some reason she relaxes at that. What did she think, that I was going to be pissed or something if we didn’t?!
“I want this.” Her answer is confident now and I believe her. Her reaction a moment ago is still bothering me mind. I’m not convinced it’s just nerves. I vow to talk about it with her tomorrow but for the moment if she’s keen then I don’t think I can deny my cock anymore. He’s literally weeping.
I give her another few seconds before I start to run my hands over her body. I start at her breasts, kneading them and tweaking her nipples causing her to buck against me in pleasure.
“You like that?” I whisper into her ear.
“More Chase, please more.”
I smile and run my hands further down until I reach that sweet spot. I flick back and forth gently while she grasps onto my arms, digging her nails into my biceps as her pleasure increases. Her moans become louder and I know she’s close to the edge. I move my hand down and ease a finger inside her.
“You’re so fucking wet baby.”
“Yes Chase, don’t stop!” I increase the pace and slip another finger inside her. I tilt the tips of my fingers making sure I hit her g-spot and it’s enough to send her over the edge.
“Fuck!” She screams loudly as her pussy clamps onto my fingers and drenches them.
When she starts to come down, I take my fingers out and grab the condom packet. I pause looking at Belle and giving her a chance to say no. A grin creeps onto her face and she toys excitedly with her lip giving me the answer I wanted. I tear the foil packet open and make quick work of sheathing myself before lining up with her entrance.
I sink slowly inside and it’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever experienced. The other times I’ve had sex, and lets be honest there’s been plenty, haven’t felt even remotely as good as this. She fits me like a glove and I let out a moan. Belle does the same fisting the sheets in pleasure.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good,” I say as I thrust in deeper. I already know this is not going to last long. Thankfully Belle looks like she’s already pretty near the edge anyway. I wanted to go slow and show Belle this means more than just fucking, but my body takes over and I start to pick up the pace sinking deeper into her on each thrust. With each movement I place a kiss on a different part of Belle’s body, eventually reaching her sensitive nipples.
“Oh shit Chase...” Belle moans more loudly than before. I move my hand underneath her arse, lifting her and causing my cock to hit her g-spot each time I slide in.
“You like that baby?” I grunt
“Fuck... Yes...I’m gonna come!” her moans drive me close to the edge. I can feel pleasure building at the base of my spine and my balls tightening.
“Come on Belle, come all over my cock.” Those words seem to be her undoing as I feel her pussy clench hard around me and she screams out in pleasure. The feeling is incredible and I quickly follow suit, thrusting one last time deep inside her and stilling.