Chase Page 6
It’s 6 o’clock now and the knock on the door tells me Chase has arrived.
“Hi, had a good day?” I ask as I open the door and let him in.
“Hey, yeah not bad thanks. How about you?”
“Good thanks. I went to see Naomi for a while and started to look at jobs.” We head into the kitchen where I’m making dinner. I’m not that great at cooking but we couldn’t keep eating take out. “Drink?” I ask.
“Don’t worry I’ll get it. Do you want anything?” Chase asks as he heads to the fridge.
“There should be an open bottle of wine in there. I’ll have a glass of that please.” I start to get plates and crockery out and begin dishing up.
We have an easy conversation over dinner, and go about washing up straight after. I would tell Chase just to leave it but as that’s not worked out the past two nights I let him wash whilst I dry. Once we’ve cleaned up, we head to the sofa and put another film on.
“So how would you feel about starting to spend the nights alone?” Chase hesitantly asks. Don’t get me wrong, I knew this was coming. I knew he wasn’t going to hang around out of pity forever but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss his company.
“Yeah of course,” I say putting my best cheery voice on.
“Belle, you don’t have to pretend with me. I can tell that tone of voice was fake.”
“No honestly, it’s fine. I need to start going back to normal and you have a life you need to go and live. You can’t keep coming round here out of pity for forever.”
“Woah Belle, who said I was coming round out of pity?!” He sounds offended and I’d feel bad. But that’s what this is right?
“Well.. no one, I just assumed... I mean why else would you come round here?” He’s definitely pissed now.
“Jeeze Belle. Have you forgotten that kiss or something?” I look down at my feet, embarrassed now.
“No, of course not.” I start quietly. “I just figured you regretted it. You pulled away and it’s not like anything’s happened since.”
“I told you why I pulled away. I didn’t think you’d want me to fuck you on the couch and then leave. I haven’t tried anything since because you’ve got enough going through that head of yours. I figured it was best to wait a bit before we explored whatever this is. For the record though Belle, I wouldn’t fucking sleep on the couch every night or check my phone every two seconds in case you need me for a woman I didn’t care about.” Oh. What do I say to that? My subconscious seems to know what it wants though as a small smile creeps onto my face. I guess I’m glad.
“Sorry, I just...” I trail of not knowing where that was going. Chase takes my hand and squeezes.
“Look, I’m not promising anything, I don’t really do relationships, but well there’s something about you I guess. I’m drawn to you. I’ve never thought about any other woman like this and I want to see where it goes. I think you do too.” Chases pauses looking at me for confirmation. I guess the slight smile and blush creeping onto my face is all he needs because he smiles back and continues. “Me and the boys have a job coming up though and I’ll be out of town tomorrow for a couple of weeks. I need to know you’re going to be okay before I go. I can have someone drive by your house every so often but I probably won’t be contactable.”
“I get it. I’ll be fine.” I say trying to hide the trepidation in my voice.
“Are you sure?” Chase looks at me questioningly.
“Honest. Anyway, I’ve always got Naomi if things go downhill.” That seems to relax him a little.
“Okay then.” Chase pauses, and his eyes drop down to my lips. My tongue instinctively juts out moistening them and his eyes darken. “Perhaps it’s time I reminded you that I care,” he states in a low voice.
Chase leans in towards me cupping my face in his hands and puts his lips on mine. I’m instantly aroused and wet but at the same time I’m nervous. I don’t want this to go too far. I’m scared that I’ll have flashbacks of Columbia, of that evil hideous man pinning me down and forcing me. I try to wipe the memories from my mind and focus on the kiss. It’s amazing just like last time. I can’t help but put my hands on Chase’s body and run them all over him. I can feel the muscle definition of his rock hard abs underneath his t-shirt. It reminds me of seeing him naked at the river back in the Amazon and I get even more turned on. At this point I think I need to be alone right now to get some relief from B.O.B.
Chapter 6
Discovering what this is
I can see the need in Belles eyes. Christ I know how she feels, even jerking off in the shower isn’t scratching the itch for me at the moment. I pull Belle on top of me so she’s straddling me. I can feel her heat against my cock even through both our clothes. She groans and it takes every last bit of restraint in me not to rip both our jeans off. I can still see some hesitancy in her eyes though and ultimately that’s what holds me back. She seems nervous and a little tense. I break the kiss for a moment.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” she says breathlessly quickly putting her lips back on mine. The kiss is intense and desperate as the sexual tension builds between us. I feel her gently rock on my lap, trying to find some relief as she rubs her sweet pussy against the mound in my jeans where my rock hard cock is begging to be released. It feels fucking good and a grunt slips out from me. She quickly stills, pulling back and looking embarrassed so I place my hands on her hips and grind her into me encouraging her.
“Take what you need baby,” I add softly into her ear before kissing my way up her neck. She starts to move against me hesitantly and I close my eyes for a minute as I absorb the pleasure. When I open them again and look at her she’s lost in the moment, her climax gradually building. She’s grinding harder and harder against my cock now and I can’t help but wish we didn’t have clothes between us.
“It feels so good,” she pants. It feels better than fucking good. I’m struggling to control it at this point and there’s a serious chance I’m going to embarrass myself.
“I want you to make yourself come grinding all over me,” I say. She seems to like that and moves harder and quicker against me, her moans becoming louder with each thrust. “Look at me when you come, I want to watch you fall apart.” I can feel my cock covered in precum inside my boxers now. My balls are tightening and pleasure is building at the base of my spine. I’m not going to stop her, she needs a release, but fuck I’m loosing the battle not to follow her.
“Oh fuck Chase, yes yes!” She goes over the edge shouting my name. Her head rolls back in ecstasy and it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. As she pushes hard against me I give up trying to hold back and groan loudly as I feel my cock throb and hot cum spurt out the end. I hold her tightly as my orgasm takes over and intense pleasure washes through all my senses. When we both start to come down I find myself not wanting to let her go.
She looks a little embarrassed and stiffens, trying to get off me I think. I lift her chin so she’s looking at me but her eyes dart away.
“What’s the matter,” I ask hoping she’s okay.
“I basically just humped your leg.” I raise my eyebrows at her. Of the two of us, I’m the one that’s sat fully clothed in a big hot sticky mess. Does she not realise that?
“Belle, I’ve just fucking come in my pants like a schoolboy. If anyone’s going to be embarrassed here it’s me.”
“Oh, I...errr... didn’t realise.” I laugh softly at her reply.
“What can I say baby, it was sexy hell having you grind against my cock, and when you went over the edge moaning my name? Well I couldn’t help it.” She smiles shyly. “Worth it though, I think that’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had and I wasn’t even inside you.” That makes her blush even more.
“Think I need to clean up. Mind if I use your shower... you could use it with me if you like?” I add in a low voice. I go to kiss her neck again but she freezes and jumps off o
f me in panic.
“Arabella, what’s wrong?” I ask alarmed.
“Errr, nothing, nothing. You go, I’ll take a shower later.” There’s panic laced in her voice and I really don’t understand why. Obviously it’s something to do with the idea of showering with me, but I don’t get what. I don’t want to press her, but at the same time I don’t want to let this go.
“Baby, why are you panicking? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, we can shower together and not have sex if that’s what you’re worried about?”
“I...just don’t need a shower right now. I’ll go later.” That was unconvincing. She’s hiding something. She looks too rattled for me to want to push it any further and scare her but I’ll get to the bottom of this eventually.
Belle hands me a towel and I wander in to her bathroom. I strip off and my boxers are a fucking mess. My jeans aren’t much better. Christ, if the lads hear about this the piss take will be endless. Thankfully I’ve got spare clothes with me as I’ve spent every night here for just under a week now.
I’m worried about leaving Belle alone but we think we have a location for the terrorist we’re after and we need to go and check it out. Naturally, the bastard’s gone underground in the Middle East so we’re going back to the fucking sandbox. I like being out in the field but the heat out there is unreal.
I jump in the shower and borrow Belle’s soap. Her reaction a moment ago is still bugging me. Why is she freaking out over the thought of sex with me? She’s seen me naked back when we were in the Amazon and I know she liked what she saw. She might have thought I didn’t notice but I did. Her cheeks flushed and she all but stopped moving while her eyes roamed my body so she can’t be bothered by that. She said she’s had two boyfriends before so she can’t be a virgin can she? Has she just had a bad experience, was one of her exes shit in bed or something? I still don’t understand why that would scare her though. I need to get her to open up to me.
Once I’m done in the shower I slip into some clean boxers and wander back into the lounge. Belle practically stares at my abs and I can’t help but smirk.
“See something you like.” Maybe I’m a dick to call her out on it but this time I can’t help myself.
“Errr. Shit, sorry. I umm.. didn’t mean to-“ she’s falling over her words.
“Arabella, relax it’s fine. I’m only joking with you.” I sit back on the sofa much closer to her this time. Her face is beetroot red, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything but I don’t want her to feel embarrassed around me.
“Do you want me to put a t-shirt on?” I ask suddenly wondering if she feels uncomfortable.
“I don’t mind.” She responds toying her lip nervously.
“I didn't bother as I figure we’ll be going to bed soon, but tell me if you’d prefer I did.” She doesn’t respond. “Belle, you have to talk to me.” I take her hand and look encouragingly at her.
“Nah, leave it off.” She peeks up at me, clearly self conscious.
“Alright then.” I put my arm around her and pull her head into my chest. We sit on her sofa cuddled up until the film she had on finishes.
“Suppose it’s time for bed.” Belle says yawning as she sits up.
“Yeah I guess so,” I reply expecting her to get up, leaving me on the sofa.
“So umm, when are you leaving tomorrow?”
“First thing. Planes scheduled for 10:00 so I’ll need to be out of here by 07.30.”
“Oh right.” She stays upright on the sofa looking like she wants to say something but isn’t sure how.
“What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?” I ask.
“Did you..err... want to share my bed. It just seems unfair you sleeping on the sofa again right before you go out on a job.” Belle’s face blushes as she tentatively asks. I really wish she wouldn’t be so self conscious and nervous around me.
“Belle, if you want me to sleep next to you then I’m more than happy with that. But don’t ask just for my sake.” I look at her with raised eyebrows waiting for her response. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to spend the night cuddled up next to her but I need to know that’s why she’s asking me and not just because she feels bad I’m on the sofa.
“I mean, I’d like it... only if you want too that is.” She says as she looks down fiddling with her hands. “Just sleeping though,” she then adds hurriedly finally making eye contact with me. I get up and reach out for her hand.
“Come on then,” I respond trying not to sound too keen.
I’d usually sleep naked but I figure boxers are probably best tonight. Belle gets ready in her bathroom but when she comes out she’s wearing some extremely short pyjama shorts and a little cami top. All In all she’s not wearing a lot and my cock definitely notices. I’m not sure how well my erection would be received right now, particularly given her reaction to the shower suggestion earlier so I use the duvet to hide it.
When she gets in the bed next to me she looks awkward and unsure. I turn the light off and immediately pull her into me so that my chest is against her back. I never cuddle with women like this, but for some reason it feels right with Belle. A warm feeling blooms in my chest as I take in her sweet scent. My cock gets even harder with her long and perfectly smooth bare legs rubbing up against me. By this point I know she’ll be able to feel it but she doesn’t say anything. Eventually she seems to relax into my hold and we both drift off to sleep. It’s the best nights sleep I’ve had in a long time.
We’ve spent all day cramped up in an Air Force plane on route to the sandbox. I’m actually glad to step out into the blinding heat by the time we land. It’s already evening here so we’re staying in one of the huts on the US military base for tonight. It’s typical military style. Bunk beds to share, communal showers and toilets, mess hall to eat at. It reminds me of when I was enlisted but at least this time I know I’ll only be here for a week or two and then I get to go home. There’s not a great deal to do so the whole team is lying on their bunks now chatting to one another. We’ll start hunting this bastard down at first morning light.
“So, hows it going with Belle.” Levi’s the first to ask but they’re all listening in.
“Fucking hell, there’s less gossip at a bingo hall full of old women than with you lot.”
“Just asking, don’t get your knickers in a twist,” Levi laughs. I can see the others smirking as well.
“She’s doing okay all things considered,” I eventually answer.
“But how about the two of you?” Clearly Levi’s not going to let this go.
“What about the two of us?” I try to play it off and Levi laughs harder.
“So you’ve not been staying at hers for most of last week then?” I briefly smile remembering being at her place but quickly try to put my face back to neutral before the guys catch on.
“I told you, she’s been through something traumatic, it helps her having someone else in the house with her.”
“Yeah you said,” Levi’s quiet for a minute and I think he’s going to drop the conversation but then he opens his mouth again. I knew I wouldn’t get that lucky.
“Fucked her then?” Whoa, where did that come from?! I shoot a look at Levi in response.
“Just asking mate, that’s your usual style. Fuck em and leave em.” I know he’s right, but the fact he says it in the context of Arabella pisses me off.
“No. I haven’t. Not that it’s anything to do with you.”
“Well something must have happened given how you light up when her names mentioned.” What?!
“I do not ‘light up’! What is this, have you got a secret obsession with romance books or some shit, it sounds like that girly shit is rubbing off on you!” Levi laughs some more.
“Trust me mate, you do,” Levi states.
“Well something’s definitely gone on,” Leo chirps in.
“Maybe there’s been some kisseys,” Levi adds making smooching noises with
his mouth.
“Nah if that happened he’d have definitely shagged her.” Leo and Levi are now having their own conversation like I’m not even in the fucking room. I know they’re trying to wind me up, problem is they’re succeeding.
“What happened then, recon he made out with her and shot his load to early or something.” Ah fuck. I remain quiet hoping they’ll gloss over that and continue on their piss take. Apparently it’s the wrong thing to do because they both stare at me before bursting into hysterics.
“You actually did didn’t you?” Levi manages to ask between bouts of laughter.
“Fuck off if wasn’t like that.” I can feel my cheeks heating. I’ve never been embarrassed in front of the guys before but shit. This is awkward.
“Oh mate, that’s brilliant,” Leo adds. For some reason I need to try and justify it.
“You don’t understand, she was grinding all over me and when she came groaning my name I couldn’t fucking help it.” Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because that sets them all of laughing all over again. “Oh for crying out loud. I’m getting some fresh air.” I get up to walk outside for a bit.
“Bud, look we’re not laughing at you, it’s just cute that’s all.” Levi stops me, trying to make me feel a little better I guess.
“Cute?! I’m a fucking sniper. Don’t call me cute!” Jeez. Could I feel any less of a man right now.