Chase Page 2
The second I saw her, and for the first time ever on a mission, I froze. I know I’ve served in plenty of war zones but it still staggers me just how disgusting one human can be to another. What hell has she gone through? Even if she recovers physically can she ever get over the mental trauma? Her injuries look horrendous, she’s unbelievably thin and you can barely see her skin from all the dirt that covers it. After I’d shot the bastard that undoubtedly did this to her I started to approach her tentatively, expecting a full blown panic attack. She didn’t react at all though which worried me even more. Like she was already accepting of her fate and that’s a big concern.
I knew then that when I promised her she was safe, it was a promise I’d keep no matter the cost. There’s something about Arabella that makes me feel protective of her. Something about her vulnerability, yet unbelievable strength to have survived all that she has that draws me to her. I know Noah was surprised when I insisted I’d carry her, I think I was too if I’m honest, but I just feel this overwhelming need to take care of her until we can get her home. I think it’s the injustice of it all. She probably has a family and a life back home that she’s most likely been torn from and knowing how the cartels operate I doubt she did anything to deserve it. I guess I’m hoping she’d feel more comfortable with me carrying her given I’ve at least spoken to her a little.
She’s fallen asleep on me now as we start our trek back into the rainforest. I suppose she must be exhausted. It’s unbearably hot and humid here not helped with her added body heat against my chest. I’m dripping with sweat in minutes. All the guys are I think. Noah and Dean are up front forging a path through the dense rainforest floor. Leo and Levi are following behind, forming a sort of protective cocoon around Belle and me. It’s hard going trekking through the Amazon but we need to maintain a good pace or we’ll never cover the ground back to the airstrip.
A few hours pass before Noah stops and looks back at Belle.
“Do you want to swap,” he asks.
“Nah, she’s light as a feather. My pack ways more than she does.” Truthfully it’s more than just her lack of weight, something inside me doesn’t want to hand Belle over to one of the others. I’m not sure I fully understand why though and I’m not fucking admitting it out loud. I don’t need any piss take from the lads, they’d turn it into something it isn’t. Noah’s already giving me a questioning look and I swear I saw Dean hold back a smirk. I don’t do attachments and all that relationship bollox. Take a girl back to her place, show her a good time and then leave. That’s how I operate.
“She needs to be woken up and give some food & water again,” Levi states.
I see a nearby tree stump and place Belle down, gently waking her as I do.
“Hey,” I say to her as she gingerly looks at me. I never realised how stunning her eyes were earlier. I guess they were more swollen before but now I can see gorgeous turquoise coloured pupils looking straight at me. “You need to have some water and try to eat a little more.”
“Oh, yeah sure. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you,” she says almost as if she’s embarrassed.
“Don’t worry about it. Your body needs sleep to recover. It’s probably the best thing you can do.” She looks comforted by that and relaxes a little.
“Here, eat this, and sip some more water.” Levi hands her a high energy protein bar and a bottle of water. She thanks him and starts to eat and drink.
The lads all use the time for a quick rest themselves before I pick Belle up again and we start to trudge on. She feels more tense in my arms now so I guess she’s awake.
“Belle, let yourself fall asleep if you’re tired, don’t try and stay awake for my sake.” I quietly whisper In her ear.
“Oh, I just, well I feel bad making you carry me all this way.”
“Well don’t. You’re not making me do anything. And in any case you’re in no fit state to walk.”
She doesn’t respond but I feel her body relax and when her breathing evens out I know she’s asleep again.
We trek for another 4 or so hours before Noah stops in a relatively clear part of the forest floor. The lights fading so I guess this is where we’re staying tonight.
“Right lads, lets make camp here. We’ll continue at first light,” Noah announces. The guys drop their packs and use what they can from the forest to create a makeshift camp. It should be enough to protect us from any rainstorm and keep some of the creepy crawlies away, but we’ll take turns doing a night watch just in case.
Not wanting to wake Belle I lie her down gently and then start getting food sorted for everyone. We’ve got standard high energy ration packs much like my days in the military. They’ll taste shit but it’ll keep us going till we can get out of here. The guys all take one and tuck in over some lighthearted conversation. The atmosphere’s much more easy going than on the way out to the cartels secret hideout. It feels good to have completed a mission and be on our way home, despite the initial shock at finding Belle. Everyone’s still pretty pissed at how badly she’s been treated but knowing all three of the guys responsible have bullets in their brains helps. I’ve left Belle sleeping since her body badly needs it but she needs calories too. I pick up another ration pack and head towards her. Levi gets up and follows, I guess he wants to check on her as he’s the team medic.
“Arabella,” Levi gently pushes her shoulders waking her up. “How are you feeling?” He asks as she comes round.
“A little bruised and sore I guess,” she responds.
“That’s to be expected but I’ve got some pain meds you can have that will help.” Levi digs some out of his pack and hands them to her. “Swallow them with water after you’ve eaten.”
I pass the ration pack to her. She opens it and begins eating.
“Out of curiosity, what’s in this,” she asks dipping her head towards the ration pack. Levi lets out a laugh.
“You don’t want to know the answer to that. It’s probably horse meat or something else that’s equally as dodgy.” An amused smile lights up Belle’s face and fucking hell she looks stunning, even if she is bruised, swollen and a little too thin. It’s the first time she’s smiled since we rescued her. Hell it’s probably the first time she’s smiled since she was taken hostage. Levi seems pleased she’s in okay spirits. He does a quick visual head to toe and asks a few more questions before leaving and sitting back with the guys. I stay with Belle until she’s finished eating. She’s spent the past few months alone and I don’t want her to feel like that again.
There’s an awkward silence between us now. Honestly, I’m not used to spending any time with a woman that involved talking. If I want company then I pick a girl up from a bar, go back to her place and leave straight after the sex. The only real conversation I have is with the lads and that’s mostly banter.
“You still tired?” It’s all I can think to ask.
“Yeah a bit.”
“Lay your head down and get a bit more sleep if you want. We’re staying here overnight.”
“Oh. Erm...” her face is flushed like she’s embarrassed to ask something.
“What’s up?”
“I kinda need to pee.”
“Oh, sure.” Shit. I’m out of my depth.
Ask me to shoot someone no problem, but take a badly injured woman to pee in the middle of a rainforest where it would be dangerous to leave her alone, yet still preserve her dignity, well thats difficult.
“I’ll err carry you somewhere away from the lads, unless you want one of them to take you instead?”
“Umm I can probably walk now, I feel a lot stronger, just maybe come and find me if I get lost.”
“You don’t have any shoes. And no offence but you almost certainly will get lost. Rainforests aren’t easy to navigate even for me and I’m an ex SEAL.”
“Oh. Well okay then.”
I pick her up and carry her a minute or so away from our overnight camp. I use my boot to move the
leaves on the forest floor, checking there’s no snakes or other nasties hiding underneath, before I set her down.
“Are you alright standing,” I ask when she’s upright, but before I let go of her completely.
“Yeah I’m okay.” I gradually let go, making sure she doesn’t look like she’s dizzy or going to fall. She’s still only wearing my t-shirt so I guess that makes this easier. It makes me think I should probably offer her a pair of my boxers to wear though, she might feel more comfortable.
“So do you need any help? Or shall I just turn around?”
“Err, I’ll be fine, you can turn around.” She looks really uncomfortable at this situation. I get it, I’m not exactly familiar with helping someone in this scenario but at the same time I’m surprised she’s that embarrassed. I mean there was no toilet in that room they kept her in, just a bucket, so I guess she should be sort of used to this. Then again, I suppose I’m surprised that I’m finding this awkward. I’ve seen a lot over the various deployments I’ve had and all of that was a lot fucking worse than a girl peeing. In fact I don’t think I’ve blinked an eye at this in the past. Maybe it’s just that she’s more vulnerable and I don’t want to inadvertently take advantage.
Once she’s done I carry her back and lay her down. She falls asleep fairly quickly and I sit back down with the lads.
“How’s she doing?” Noah asks.
“All things considered, not too badly.”
“Good. I can’t believe what they’ve done to her.” Noah snaps a twig he’d been holding in anger. “I’m not even sure I’d treat an enemy that badly never mind an innocent woman.”
“Do we know much about her yet,” Leo asks. “We could do with her full name to find out where she lives and contact any family that are worried.”
“We need to look into her background as well, it doesn’t make sense that Sánchez transported her here from America and has kept her this long,” Dean adds. “Do you think she’d give us any details on what’s happened - how long she’s been here, how she got taken. That sort of thing.”
“Not sure. I can try and ask tomorrow if she’s not sleeping again,” I respond.
“One of us will carry her tomorrow bud. It isn’t fair for you to take her the whole way.” Levi interjects. The thought of that doesn’t sit well with me though I’ve no idea why. I’ll be the one to carry her.
“It’s alright mate. She knows me a little better so she’s more likely to give us the info we need if I ask.” It’s a partial truth. She probably is more likely to answer me than one of the others. I think the guys buy it.
“Right everyone, probably best to get some sleep. Me and Chase can take the first night watch,” Noah states. With that the other guys get up and leave while Noah looks like he’s refraining from smirking at me.
A while later, presumably when Noah’s sure everyone’s asleep, he turns to me.
“So, do you wanna tell me the real reason you want to carry Belle again tomorrow? As he looks at me he raises his eyebrows in question. I’m obviously not fooling him.
“Honestly mate, I’m not sure. I guess she just seems comfortable with me and after everything she’s been through I don’t want to put her under any more stress.” There’s no point in trying to pull the wool over his eyes so I just say the truth as best I understand it. Noah chuckles.
“That might well be partially true but that’s not the whole story is it?”
“What? Seriously Noah that’s the only reason. I can’t get over what’s happened to her and I want her to feel safe for the first time in weeks. Why, what else are you getting at?”
“You don’t see it do you?” He laughs some more.
“See what?”
“Oh you’ll realise in your own time. But when you do, for god sakes be careful with her. She doesn’t deserve any more emotional stress.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I can see that. Have to admit, I never had you pinned for long term either. Anyway, go to bed, I’ll do the night shift alone. You’re going to need more energy if you’re carrying her the rest of the way. I can see it won’t just be tomorrow.”
I sit for a moment looking confused. What does he mean long term and causing her more emotional stress? Does he think I want a relationship with her or some bullshit? I don’t do that, a fact which he knows. I just want to protect her, to keep her safe and happy, that’s all. I hit the sack, feeling baffled after Noah’s words.
The next morning we’re up bright and early and after a ration pack each we get moving. Belle’s sleeping in my arms again. She’d tried to say she could walk but I refused, her body’s clearly still exhausted. She looks a little better today, the swelling has gone down and she’s not dehydrated anymore. She’s got my t-shirt on again but I’ve given her a pair of boxers as well.
Hours pass but we make good progress. Noah and Dean are up front again clearing a path through the rainforest. We haven’t gone back via the same route we used on the way in just in case any of the locals have spotted it and are watching. It’s pretty remote so if I’m honest I doubt there’s anyone up here, but you can never be too careful. After a quick pit stop and some lunch we keep moving but Belle seems more awake now.
Last nights conversation with the guys comes to mind and I know I need to ask Belle for some information. I’m not really sure where to start mind. It’s a weird feeling, I’ve never had a problem starting a conversation with a woman before nor have I had issues getting information from anyone.
“You awake Belle” I ask gently, trying to keep my voice low so that we can’t be heard by the others.
“Err yeah. You sure you don’t mind carrying me. I could probably walk for a bit if you like?”
“No it’s fine. So Arabella, have you got a last name?”
“Rose. Arabella Rose, why’d you ask?” It’s a nice name, beautiful, just like her. Fuck why am I thinking soppy shit about this woman?
“Well if you like we can try to get a message back to your friends and family. Let them know we’re bringing you home.” I’m hoping I’ve not just said anything insensitive. I’ve no idea what Belle’s story is and how she ended up with Sanchez but as I’m not aware of anyone looking for her, there’s every chance she’s estranged from her family.
“You could do that? Yes please.. I imagine they’d be worried.” She pauses for a minute before adding “I take it you weren’t out here to rescue me then.” Shit.
“We had a different objective, but I’m glad we found you.” ‘I’m glad we found you’ what does that even mean?! Christ I need to engage my brain before I speak. “We took out our target. The man holding you captive was part of a Mexican cartel, he’s called-
“Stop. I don’t want to know anything about him. It makes him seem human if you start giving me information like that.” She sounds upset. I’m definitely fucking this up.
“Sorry Belle, I didn’t mean to upset you. I wasn’t sure what you’d know and what you wanted to know.” I don’t want to press any further but I need to be find out if she has any idea why they’ve taken her and why they’ve kept her. “So I take it you didn’t know anything about him before you were brought here?”
“No. None of it makes sense to me. I didn’t know any of the men. I don’t know why they took me. I’ve not been involved in anything dodgy. I don’t have connections they could take advantage of...” she trails off. I’m sure she’s telling the truth though, which makes this whole thing more of a mystery.
“Okay. Well for what it’s worth, I’m sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve it, no one deserves to be treated like that. I’m guessing they’ve had you a while?”
“Yeah but I don’t know how long. It’s weeks or months. It was June 10th when they took me if that helps.”
“Fuck. Just over 2 months then. It’s August 16th today. Where’s home for you then.” I try to move us onto safer territory.
“California. Specifically Whiteston
e, a seaside town not too far from Los Angeles.”
“Yeah. Why, you know it?”
“You could say that. I live there too. The teams base isn’t far away either.” We ease into a more gentle conversation for the next 20 minutes or so before walking in comfortable silence.
A few more hours have passed when we reach a small river.
“Let’s make camp here boys, the light’ll be fading fast soon and there’s a good water source.” Noah states.
I set Arabella down and begin helping the lads. Dean meanwhile picks up a couple of small pieces of wood, fashions them into something with his pen knife and hands them to Belle.
“Here you go darlin’. Put them between two socks and they’ll act as temporary shoes. Not perfect but better than wandering around completely bare foot.”
“Thanks.” Belle smiles at him. For some reason I’m wishing I’d thought of doing that for her.
“Right lads, this might be the last chance to get clean for a while.” Noah states looking towards the river. I don’t think he needed to point it out if I’m honest. The sweltering jungle heat has everyone cover in sweat. “Belle, not that any of us will care, but you can go a little further up the river if you’d prefer. You’ll still need to take one of us with you though, just in case anything happens.”
“Come on,” I say to Belle, not giving her the chance to ask for one of the others. I can see Noah shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.